Written by: Megan Chase

Should you or shouldn’t you? It’s very simple; you don’t want to be disgusting and us women don’t want to be disgusted. That being said, nothing looks more ridiculous than a man whose undershirt you can see. Be careful to choose a colour closest to your natural skin tone, for example grey blends better with both skin and fabric, whereas white stands out.

Undershirts are one of the most underrated undergarments and Tommy John decided to help the fellas out by creating this ultimate cheat sheet.

Why are they a thing, aside from hiding chest hair that can give you a porcupine-like appearance and where do they come from? Hint, think your great-grandfather’s sleepwear. All three styles are listed, along with how best to wear them.

Tommy John has one golden rule when it comes to undershirts and it’s a good one. A t-shirt is never an undershirt.